matchweek 30
    1AC Sparta Praha2966:2573
    2SK Slavia Praha2960:2269
    3FC Viktoria Plzeň2964:3359
    4FC Baník Ostrava2946:3744
    5FK Mladá Boleslav2949:4543
    61.FC Slovácko2937:3840
    7FC Slovan Liberec2944:4439
    8SK Sigma Olomouc2939:4137
    9FC Hradec Králové2931:3637
    10FK Teplice2931:3736
    11Bohemians Praha 19052927:3932
    12FK Jablonec2934:4429
    13FK Pardubice2928:4028
    14FC Zlín2936:6025
    15SK Dynamo České Budějovice2932:6023
    16MFK Karviná2929:5222

    Detailed stats

    1st SK Slavia Praha 8 3 12 2 85 60 79 45 0
    2nd AC Sparta Praha 3 2 10 2 79 60 81 42 0
    3rd FK Jablonec 3 2 1 7 - - - - 0
    4th FC Viktoria Plzeň 3 3 3 2 85 65 70 54 3
    5th 1.FK Příbram 2 1 0 0 - - - - 3
    6th Bohemians Praha 1905 2 1 0 0 - - - - 5
    7th FC Slovan Liberec 1 1 0 4 66 59 68 43 0
    8th SK Sigma Olomouc 1 1 1 3 - - - - 2
    9th Slezský FC Opava 1 1 0 0 - - - - 4
    10th MFK Karviná 1 1 0 0 - - - - 2
    11th SK Dynamo České Budějovice 0 0 0 0 - - - - 5
    12th FK Mladá Boleslav 0 0 1 2 - - - - 0
    13th FC Baník Ostrava 0 0 0 3 63 63 60 60 1
    14th 1.FC Slovácko 0 0 0 0 - - - - 1
    15th FK Teplice 0 0 1 1 - - - - 0
    16th FC Fastav Zlín 0 0 0 0 - - - - 2

      For statistics "Most goals in the championship season" and “Least goals in the championship season" does not count the 1993/94 season, which is still awarded for a win by 2 points.

      For statistics "Most goals in the championship season" and “Least goals in the championship season" does not count the 1993/94 season, which is still awarded for a win by 2 points.

      Extended league stats provided by InStat are available since 2013/14 season.

      All-time leader summary includes only players with at least 60 league games. Complete list contains all players.

      You are not sure, what statistic means? Check it out.